Musky America Magazine

Before you can begin developing a "script", you must first obtain a quality hydrographic map. Not only will a map help you locate and identify key structural elements on a new or unfamiliar lake, it will also serve as a "checklist" to remind you of your plan when on the water. Once you have a map, you will need to study every contour line to reveal any obvious and subtle fishing locations. Factoring in seasonal elements, forage base, water clarity, weed development, etc., a variety of locations should be selected to begin your efforts. A good "script" would include several different types of structure and presentations, such as bucktails over shallow weeds and crankin’ rock humps. Remember, you should not jump ahead to the "adjustment" phase until you have completed your entire milk run, regardless of success or failure to boat a fish at one of your first stops. You wouldn’t want to miss a feeding frenzy on the rock bars because you caught a small, neutral fish in the weeds at your first stop and never gave the rocks a chance. After you have completed your pre-established milk run, take a few minutes to assess the information you have learned through your efforts and use that information to make required adjustments. Use the information to: Identify any location/structural patterns Look for additional locations that fit any established patterns Select productive presentations or alternative methods Consider an entirely new location