Musky America Magazine

REDEFINING THE "RUN & GUN" APPROACH... IMPROVE YOUR MUSKY SUCCESS by: Jason Long © 1998 There is no disputing that finesse fishing has its time and place when hunting the elusive Musky, however, every Musky fishing adventure should include a well thought out "Run and Gun" strategy. Regardless of whether you are very familiar with the water or exploring a new lake, establishing a "plan" prior to launching the boat can significantly reduce the amount of time required to locate active fish and ultimately boat a beast. I was born, raised, and reside in Wisconsin, therefore I am a die hard Green Bay Packer Fan. Watching coach Mike Holmgren has taught me a lesson for establishing a game plan. Through intensive research prior to a game, Mike will select 15 plays that he will "script" in an effort to identify any patterns from the opposing team and how they will respond to his tactics. Despite success or failure, all 15 plays will be executed before he attempts to make any adjustments to his offense. Mike Holmgren’s method has been proven successful through the Packers’ two recent Super Bowl appearances, and applying the same method to your Run & Gun Musky fishing approach will lead you to success too! When planning to utilize the Run & Gun fishing approach there are two key elements for developing a "milk run": developing the "script" and making "adjustments". Both will test your ability to be creative and your knowledge of the notorious muskellunge.