Musky America Magazine November Edition

Dead Fish Swimming!!! By: Craig Sandell © 2015 As in past seasons, folks are again trying to discredit the Chippewa Flowage Musky Study on single hook mortality. Did they participate? Did they contribute? What is their motivation for condemning a study that seeks only to provide more information about the Muskie we all love to hunt…frankly, I don’t know and I don’t care. I also think that it does our sport and our fisheries no service to have print publications for Musky and Pike continue to 'make believe' that sucker fishing, whether employing a 'J' hook or a 'Circle Hook', does little or no harm to the Muskie. Surely, articles posted on MHM attempt to cast doubt on competent catch and recapture studies by attempting to frame the studies without 'independent peer review' as less than accurate...That is just 'Mule Muffins'. There are NO recognized independent and unbiased peer review authorities qualified to make Musky study pronouncements. MHM is following the Chinese model of information dissemination; "If you tell a lie loud enough over and over again, people will take it as fact". Here is something to consider: Take a sharp hook and attach it to a 40 pound test fishing line. Now, swallow the hook and give the end of the line to a fisherman friend. Walk away from the friend until the line is taunt. Now, signal your friend to pull as hard as he can on the line