Musky America Magazine

Night Time Is The Right Time By Al Denninger © 2006 Every angler wants to be successful when trying his or her luck on the water. Some anglers, usually the same ones, boat more fish by fishing at night. As the season progresses into mid-summer with water temperatures staying in the in the 80 degree range, even the best fishermen see their success on the water drop faster than a 1 ounce jig head. Fishermen have to contend not only with high water temperatures but must also share the water with pleasure boats, water skiers, and the ever-present whining of the jet ski. With all this stacked against the fisherman, night fishing should be considered by all avid anglers. Many of us have given night fishing a half-hearted try, but only a hand full of those become nocturnal bobber bouncers and plug plunkers.