Musky America Magazine

Open Water Muskie Craig Sandell © 2010 The exciting thing about Muskie fishing is that you never really know when and where you will get assaulted by one of these toothy prehistoric throwbacks. As you browse around the other Muskie sites on the Internet, you will certainly come across the story of the "Muskie That Came From Nowhere" or the Muskie that hit a surface lure in 30 feet of water or the one that hit at the dock while someone was tuning his lures for the hunt. You will read articles that tell you to fish deep during the day when the weather is hot or shallow in the evenings when the water is over 75°. The truth is, you just never really know. Probably one of the most overlooked fishing locations is open water. Not just any open water, but open water with some character. Character? What the heck is that? Well, open water with character is that water that combines at least three ‘high percentage’ elements. High percentage elements might be sub-surface structure, adjacent deep water, irregular bottom depth and a main river channel. Of course, you have to combine that ‘character water’ with a likely weather pattern and water conditions as well as with a healthy fishery.