Musky America Magazine

If you're trying for a specific Musky that you have just raised, keep working the rest of the area because there's likely to be another Musky using the same area. Then quietly work back for a second pass through the exact spot from which the first Musky came. Try different lures, working the spot from different angles, and be patient! Don't give up too quickly. Many a time I've spent more than a half-hour pounding one little haunt before I've finally been able to catch my finicky quarry. I'll never forget one such occurrence. It was a cool, clear midSeptember evening in 1995 when I had a tremendous, short hit behind my black Heddon Crazy Crawler at around 8:45 p.m. The fish threw water high into the air and made a loud explosion that could only have been made by something rather respectable. This was certainly a fish that I needed to get a better look at in the bottom of my net! Camping on the spot, I decided to lay claim to the area for the remainder of the night. I worked the entire bar over with a variety of lures, often changing back to Creepers and heavily saturating the exact spot that the fish originated. After 45 minutes, the dusk had turned into total darkness and a brilliant canopy of stars had formed overhead. The cool autumn night had gotten even crisper and the quiet hum of my flasher unit began to lull me into a semisleep state. Just then I felt a sudden jolt as the big Musky took an authoritative swat at my green LeLure Creeper but I failed to connect with the hooks. And it was in the very same spot as before! This Musky almost seemed to be toying with me, but I figured if I maintained my quiet presence and stuck it out, this fish could make a big mistake. So, even though I was dead tired and it was all I could do to keep my eyes open (being sleep deprived from having a newborn baby at home), I opted to continue my vigil on