Musky America Magazine

FOCUS ON PRIMARY HOLDING AREAS Every structural element has primary holding areas such as weedbeds, stumps or brush; perhaps a small piece of submerged bog and contour irregularities like points, inside turns, small holes and quick dropping edges. After spending enough hours on a particular spot, you'll begin to discover which of these primary holding areas are defining the spot's core areas. While it does remain important to still fish an entire spot, keying on its primary holding areas and fishing them thoroughly will undoubtedly yield much better results in the long run than just randomly breezing through a spot using run and gun tactics. Good boat control is essential for thorough coverage of your spots. While working my boat through an area, I hover my boat adjacent to any primary holding structures which have proven themselves as being high percentage honey holes, allowing my clients to saturate these core areas with as many casts as it takes to thoroughly cover them. Certain specific spots have shown themselves to be so consistent that I'll even do a "double hover" working them over with unrelenting confidence. A somewhat expanded version of the double hover approach is to work a small point bar thoroughly from both edges. There are many small point bars that can be easily covered by working them from just one edge and many Musky anglers would consider a spot covered in such a way to be adequate. More often than not, it won't be adequately covered until you work that same point bar from the opposite edge. I'm not sure whether it's the slightly different angle of lure presentation or it's just not until the second progression of overlapped casts that the lure just