Musky America Magazine

AN OLD DARK WATER TRICK While it seems that there never ceases to be some new fishing secret or gadget that promises instant Musky fishing success these days, I think that sometimes too much emphasis can he put upon these kinds of things and often the more basic tips can be overlooked. In this faster paced day and era of high speed fishing boats it has made today's fisherman a bit less patient than those of an earlier time. And that's why I consider fishing an area clean to be one of the cornerstone dark water Musky fishing tips. Remember … the darker the water, the smaller a Musky's strike zone and the more casts it will take to cover a given spot. Run & gun tactics work much better in clear water situations but don't be in such a hurry when it comes to fishing dark water. You'd be surprised how many muskies that you may be passing over. An unforgettable guiding experience that I had four years ago on June 29th most vividly illustrates this point. I was guiding Steve and Teri Van Heuklin for a split full day. With no action during the early morning, I had hoped the evening would yield better results after our midday break. Before beginning the second half of our guide day, I noticed the clear skies quickly begin to darken and I began to get excited about what could transpire that evening. After a visit from my old friend Mitch Kmiotek late that afternoon, he got me so hyped up that I could hardly wait to hit the water again. Mitch, you see, has to be the world's greatest teller of Musky stories and after listening to a few of his classic tales, I returned to my boat primed for the second half of our guide day.