Musky America Magazine

tough days. The little puffs of sand as the lure contact bottom seem to really trigger fish. There are also times when the lure sizes can be incredibly important. Downsizing lures on action lakes or on high pressured waters is often one of the keys to success. However, I know of several lakes that don't fit these classifications; the fish in these lakes always seem to prefer smaller lures. Several years ago I was working a window on one of the larger more popular lakes in the area upon which I guide. I was taking advantage of that window for several weeks and could count on boating three or four legal muskies between 9 AM and 11 AM every morning. Now this is not generally considered an action Lake and this was a much better than normal success rate. The interesting thing is that all of the action came on the Rizzo Tail. We tried small buck tails and we tried small crank baits with no success. I tried my large Rizzo Tail a number of times and never had a hit. The difference in size between the small Rizzo Tail and the large Rizzo Tail is less than an inch, yet it made all the difference in the world. Let's go back once again to the fish with which we started. One of the decisions that will have to be made is whether to stay on the fish or move to some other spots and come back later, letting the water rest. Unless the fish was really hot, I would most likely try a few other spots and come back a while later. After fishing a few spots we are going to hope we have caught or move a few more fish and can establish some sort of pattern. I would likely be back on this fish later in the day and maybe several times if she kept showing herself. When I said that one of the first things I would do after moving a fish is to check the exact time, I can't stress how important that