Musky America Magazine December Edition

Tony Rizzo…Musky Hunter Extraordinaire By Craig Sandell © 2012 We have all heard many claims by Musky notables over the course of the years that we have been haunting the water in search of the elusive and tenacious Musky. Throughout the years though, one Musky angler stands above the rest by virtue of his time on the water, his impressive tally of fish and his many informative books; that man is Tony Rizzo. I recently had the opportunity, and great pleasure, to meet with Tony in his home. Tony is 77 years old but took time out of his busy guiding schedule to meet with me and share the hospitality of his home. As we descended the stairs into his basement, I was struck by the pictures of the musky catches of a lifetime which adorned his basement walls. There was scarcely a wall space that did not