Musky America Magazine May 2023 Edition

men and boys who could argue forever over who was the best baseball player of all times, who really deserved to be in the Hall of Fame and who could be counted on as a relief pitcher in a really tight game. The difference is, these men seemed to take a real delight just in the discussion. No one became angry because someone else held a different opinion. They already knew what the other guy would say and would provoke an argument just for the sake of argument. It made them happy…. The current argument about the world record musky doesn’t seem to be that kind of argument. There seems to be real anger and even personal rancor involved. I think it’s time for a reality check. Musky fishing is considered sport fishing. A sport is supposed to be some activity that you do for enjoyment. Yes, I realize that professional ball players make millions of dollars to "play" a sport—but at that point is it really a "sport," or is it a business? Do you fish because you enjoy the sport or do you fish because you truly expect to catch a world record? If you fish for enjoyment, you believe that just being on the water makes the day a good day—catching a legal fish just makes the day better. There is no way we can accurately rewind time. History is just that—a story. History can also be interpreted in various ways depending on the point of view of those who are interpreting. A case in point is our own Revolutionary War. The American Colonists considered George Washington a hero. England considered him a traitor. It all depends on which side of the story you are standing when it is written down. Did Louie Spray catch the world record musky? From the available evidence, it appears that he did. No one has been able to find actual evidence that he didn’t. Any disagreement with the proffered evidence is based on interpretation.