Musky America Magazine April2023 Edition

THE RIGHT STUFF By: Rob Meusec © 2010 A good test of your Musky fishing ability is: Can you successfully catch, land and release a decent size Musky when fishing alone? After a successful three days of walleye fishing in Northern Wisconsin during the 1998 opening weekend, I decided to fish for pike on my last morning before returning home. While walleye fishing, I noticed that the northern pike were quite active, as evidenced by accidentally catching a few during my walleye pursuits. I snapped on a small Reef Hawg and began drifting across a river mouth with hopes that a decent pike would give me some action. Well, action came quick but it wasn't a pike. It was a pretty good sized Musky. As I brought the fish toward the boat I realized I had no net, just my TOOL KIT. (which I carry alwayseven if I'm crappie fishing). At boat side I realized that this 37 inch fish was really hooked bad. Two trebles were on the outside of his face and one treble was firmly in the corner of his mouth.