Musky America Magazine October Edition

proposed rule would be easily enforced and "angler friendly". I do agree that we do need to clarify the current regulation but have my own opinion on how to accomplish the same goal. Does this mean I am in the wrong, no! Does it mean that the writers of 400-foot rule change are wrong, no! Is there a hidden agenda in relation to the preliminary findings of the Chippewa Flowage musky study on mortality with single hook usage? Definitely!! While I will readily admit to using single hook sucker rigs and may use them on a very limited basis in the future the fact that we have been doing extensive development of numerous quick set, circle hook and modified single hook rigs has not been mentioned. Scott Allen and myself talked at length last fall, twice, regarding changes needing to be made to sucker rigs to prevent mortality of released fish. If you have spent any time on the internet researching this issue the topic of "ethics" is always being brought into the discussion. In the 90’s the term ethics seems to be the word of choice if any person or party does not agree with your opinions or practices. Where do ethics play a role in hunting over bait piles, running dogs on bear, game farm hunting, canned hunts in fenced areas, fishing lines being left off docks overnight, tip ups being left out over night or being placed on the other side of the lake, underwater cameras and on and on? While I will not delve into these topics it does make you think about what constitutes "good ethics" in hunting and fishing and lest we forget each time we take something away from our fishing and hunting rights we are actually helping any anti-hunting/fishing groups with their pursuit. I hope this rather long article explains my opinions and differences regarding the unattended line situation