Musky America Magazine October Edition

Recent confusion regarding the existing "unattended line regulations" within the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) fish and game regulations, and the subsequent enforcement inconsistencies faced by WDNR Wardens has prompted a change in the current regulations. Regulation changes clearly defining an "attended" line must be immediately implemented to aid the WDNR Wardens in their efforts to enforce the current abuses of the law’s intent. RESOLUTION: BE IT RESOLVED, the Wisconsin Conservation Congress, at it’s annual meeting held in Sawyer County, Wisconsin on Monday, April 10th, 2000, recommends that the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources adopt the following rule change regarding unattended lines. "In all instances, regardless of rod/line placement the "attending" angler has a time period of five (5) minutes to respond to a rod upon indication of a bite, or the appearance of a WDNR Warden at said rod." This rule change would be in effect for the entire angling open water and ice fishing season. Failure to have the attending anglers rod in his/her possession after a five (5) minute allotted time period would indicate and unattended rod/line. This resolution shall replace s. NR 20,06 (9) and NR 20.03 (42). In the revision made to the original article in it is stated that "Corey Meyer took exception to the "Statement of the problem" section of the document ……. and, based upon that concern withheld his affirmative vote". As you have read above, I not only have problems with the storybook tales of the ‘Statement of the problem", I also did not feel the newly