Musky America Magazine November Edition

to be opened for the gathering of additional data on the Muskies that survive the single hook mortality phase of the CFMS-Y2. For instance, there is much to be learned regarding the spawning habits of these study Muskies. CFMS-Y2 FINDINGS TO DATE To date, 13 Muskies have been radio-tagged as part of the CFMS-Y2. The sizes ranged from 33 inches to one nearing the 30 pound class. Of the 13 Muskies that have been caught and released as of this writing in early December, three had expired as a result of injuries sustained due to the single hook rigs. The details concerning each of the expired Muskies are as follows: The first to expire was the smallest musky in the study - a 33inch male, caught in mid-October of 1999. The musky hit and swallowed a 12-inch sucker. The hook used was a 10/0, squared steel hook of bronze color finish. The leader material was nylon coated 60-pound test wrapped wire. The musky was hooked in the stomach. The leader was snipped and the musky was implanted with a radio transmitter and released. Though it swam off quickly and with strength during the release, the musky was discovered about four weeks later, after it had died and washed up on shore about a mile north of where it had been originally caught. The second musky to expire was a 46 1/2-inch female, caught in late October on a 21-inch long sucker. A 13/0, squared, bronzecolored steel hook was utilized. The leader material was 60pound non-coated wrapped wire. The musky was deeply hooked in the throat and only the upper tip of the shank was visible upon examination. It was fitted with a radio transmitter and released in a shallow water area. It remained near the boat after its release but died within about 10 minutes. An autopsy revealed the cause