Musky America Magazine

By: Craig Sandell © 2006 Anyone who has fished Musky for a while has heard the stories of the Musky action that seems to always happen when someone new to the adventure of Musky angling is taken out for the first time. This was the hope when Rob Meusec and I took our long time mutual friend Dave out for his first Musky adventure. Dave had gotten a new lease on life by virtue of a liver transplant. Dave’s circumstance encouraged him to adopt the approach to his new life to ‘not put anything off until tomorrow when it can be done today’. Dave had always talked about Musky fishing with Rob and me but never seemed to make the connection until now. We started out early on this June day. We did a couple of ‘tune up’ spots to ‘introduce’ Dave to Musky tackle and boat etiquette and then we were out working the fishing circuit that Rob and I had developed over the days before Dave’s arrival. We fished the morning hard without any action, so we stopped at Deerfoot Resort for "The Best Hamburger in the World" and to develop an afternoon fishing strategy. After lunch we worked Pork Barrel, Little Pete’s and Pocketbook without success and the expectation that Rob and I had about ‘always’ having action with a ‘New Guy’ in the boat began to wane.