Musky America Magazine July2022 Edition

disappointed. I didn't want to quit that day, but I did. We had action from 81 musky that day. I'm sure if they had released that fish we would have had action from over hundred fish. I heard later that he did get that 43-inch musky mounted, but they will never have another day like that again. Now I'm not a big color man, when it comes to lures. Action, depth and size are what I feel are the important factors. But I must admit, in this situation the solid white with silver blade was the best bait in the boat for that day. However, in saying that I will tell you of the seven legal we caught; I caught three of them. I mixed my colors that day. I caught one on brown and orange with a brass plate. I caught one on green chartreuse with a brass plate. Also, keep in mind that both of them threw solid white lures all day. Mistakes cost them a lot of fish. Going slow at the boat on follows and not making big turns on the eights at the boat, cost them fish. Also, at times just not being ready for a strike cost them fish. Let me say that I've been a guide for 33 years and I released around 2000 legal muskies. I have told clients to only keep fish you want to mount it. I've never told my clients they cannot keep a legal fish if they chose to do so. I would never let a guide dictate to me that I can't keep a legal fish. I don't care how good a guide he may be nor do I care how