Musky America Magazine July2022 Edition

they died anyway. The son hooked a fish that was 40 inches. Suddenly, as the son was fighting his fish, a fish came out of nowhere and took the dad’s white Rizzo Tail at the boat. This was a nice fish and when the son saw the size of his dad's fish he gave his fish total slack his fish threw the lure. After a good fight, the father got the fish to the side of the boat where I could net it. It was the best fish of the day, a 43-inch musky. I said to the dad, "You have to throw it back." He said, "Are you crazy?" That's the biggest fish I ever caught in my life and I'm not throwing it back!" I asked him, "Will you mount it?" He said, "No, I'll eat it." I said, "You have 28 pounds of fish in the holding tank now, you don't need another." I went on to tell them that if they released the fish I'd stay out until my batteries were dead. I also told them that they should take advantage of this day, as it was one of the best action days I had ever seen. I said, "Look, you have to dead fish in the tank, if you don’t release this fish, my day is over." The father looked at me and said, "Well Tony, I guess your day is over." I must admit I didn't want to quit; this was too good of a day. It was a day of a lifetime. Being beginners, they just didn't understand. I couldn't say or do anything to convince them to release that fish. I was very