Musky America Magazine August 2022 Edition

Summer Is The Time Of Acute Musky Fever By Al Denninger © 2010 Musky Fever hits Hayward…Hundreds stricken…Tourists bring fever to area…No cure found, only temporary relief for victims…Only heavy doses of fishing can relieve this thing called MUSKY FEVER!!! Summer signals the start of the hot action for the King of the Freshwater Fish. Musky are spreading out and more likely to be on main-lake spots. Weed beds are reaching for the sky, and the water-ah! The water temperatures are reaching a steady 68-74 degrees. Musky are putting on the feed bag. Big females are starting to show up; this is the time of the season when musky action is at its best. There’s more fish action now than in any other month. September might see more trophy fish, but late June through early July is when the real action takes place. Below is a list of a few lakes to pound in the first few weeks of summer. Lake Winter: Lots of good action on this body of water. It has produced some big fish. Purple Bucktails on sunny days and yellow on overcast are the hot ticket in June and early July—both sporting brass blades. Chippewa Flowage: Bucktails are the best all-around bait choice. Many prefer fluorescent or green blades with black hair. First work the weeds, concentrating on the edges. Key weed beds have deep water on two or three sides.